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Glimsity is a resource guide of videos. We help professionals, small businesses and organizations tell their stories through documentary video to reach a wider audience.
Glimsity users get a glimpse of local businesses, professionals and community organizations and events through our short documentaries. But viewers get more than a glimpse, they get a feel for the place or person. We like to say, Glimsity is where doors open online…
Backed by over 20 years of marketing and communications expertise, Glimsity offers businesses, professionals and organizations — of all shapes and sizes — a way to genuinely connect with the public. Since people like to buy from whom or what they know, we put viewers there in the moment, so walking in or calling isn’t such a stretch.
Glimsity was founded by a communications professional to provide affordable options for small businesses and professionals to execute online PR authentically. We produce and promote the short documentary videos for businesses to use anywhere from their website to their lobby. And we promote your video to reach a wider audience.
Glimsity drives traffic through your virtual door, so they will walk through your physical door.